Racial Harmony Day – Traditional Costume Competition « MSHS P1 I Blog. All About Your Child » Blog Archive » Racial Harmony Day


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 13/02/2011

Our teachers in their lovely ethnic costumes on. Racial Harmony Day. Page 25. Our teachers in their lovely ethnic costumes on. Racial Harmony Day

1 Aug 2005 Since then, Racial Harmony Day is celebrated every year, in all schools who donned a traditional yellow Chinese costume called a qi pao.

27 Jul 2010 The wonderful festivities of Racial Harmony Day have drawn to a Kudos to 10S67 for dressing up in the same costume, its nice to see that

25 Jul 2009 Seeing everyone in their costumes made me kind of miss the Racial Harmony Day celebrations we used to have in secondary school.

22 Jul 2010 Btw, what costumes did your kids put on for Racial Harmony Day this year? [In their traditional Batik costumes]

1 Aug 2005 Since then, Racial Harmony Day is celebrated every year, in all schools who donned a traditional yellow Chinese costume called a qi pao.

21 Jul 2007 From a Today article on a school's treatment of students who did not wear ethnic costumes on Racial Harmony Day:

22 Jul 2009 21st July, being Racial Harmony Day, is a significant day in Singapore the value of racial harmony …..while putting on these costumes.

9 Jul 2010 Please be reminded that 21 July (Wed) is Racial Harmony Day. Children are encouraged to be dressed in various ethnic costumes.

9 Jul 2010 Please be reminded that 21 July (Wed) is Racial Harmony Day. Children are encouraged to be dressed in various ethnic costumes.

22 Jul 2010 Btw, what costumes did your kids put on for Racial Harmony Day this year? [In their traditional Batik costumes]

27 Jul 2010 The wonderful festivities of Racial Harmony Day have drawn to a Kudos to 10S67 for dressing up in the same costume, its nice to see that

30 Jun 2010 Calling all pupils / parents who are interested / able to represent our class to participate in the Racial Harmony Day – Traditional Costume

Racial Harmony Day is celebrated annually on 21 July in Singapore. be dressed in their traditional costumes such as the Cheongsam and the Baju Kurung.

Today at school, the students and the teachers celebrates racial harmony day by wearing ethnic costumes of the different races in Singapore.

21 Jul 2007 From a Today article on a school's treatment of students who did not wear ethnic costumes on Racial Harmony Day:

27 Jul 2010 The wonderful festivities of Racial Harmony Day have drawn to a Kudos to 10S67 for dressing up in the same costume, its nice to see that

23 Jul 2010 Keatkeat: “Mommy this week my school is celebrating Racial Harmony Day. My teacher told me that I can wear traditional costumes for the

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